The Changeling — A4 Riso Print
Descending from ancient European folklore, a changeling is a creature used as a replacement by fairies in exchange for stealing a newborn from the cradles of unsuspecting mothers. The changeling is often a fairy child that never grows, has a ravenous appetite and strange physical characteristics such as long teeth or a beard, and displays wisdom beyond its years.
While the legend may have started as a way for new mothers to keep a vigilant eye on their children, historical evidence from the peasantry of Europe suggest that the folktale could have arisen from families being unable to care for newborn children due to poverty. Believing that their newborn was a supernatural imposter gave them a spiritually sound reason to carry out infanticide.
✷ 3-colour riso print
✷ Size: W155mm x 277mm
✷ Printed on 125gsm uncoated paper
✷ Do note that due to the nature of risograph printing, no two prints are the same, and will have different registrations/may not be aligned